Paul Guyer

Paul Guyer, a Professor of Philosophy and F.R.C. Murray Professor in the Humanities at the University of Pennsylvania, is one of the world's foremost scholars of Kant. Guyer also serves on the Graduate Groups for both Germanic Languages and Literatures and Comparative Literature. Prior to moving to the University of Pennsylvania, he taught at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Illinois, Chicago. Paul Guyer has now agreed to move from the University of Pennsylvania to Brown University.[1]

Guyer has written several books on Kant and Kantian themes, and has edited and translated a number of Kant's works into English. In addition to his work on Kant, Guyer has published on many other figures in the history of philosophy, including Locke, Hume, Hegel, Schopenhauer, and others. Guyer's Kant and The Claims of Knowledge (Cambridge University Press) is widely considered to be one of the most significant works in Kant scholarship. Princeton University Press recently released Guyer's new work, Knowledge, Reason, and Taste: Kant's Response to Hume. He is one of the general editors of the Cambridge Edition of Kant's works in translation. His other areas of specialty include the history of philosophy and aesthetics.[2] Guyer has just been elected Vice-President of the American Society for Aesthetics for 2009-11, which will be followed by a term as President for 2011-13 (and then as Past President for 2013-15).[3] Professor Guyer has also recently been appointed Vice-President of the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association, which will be followed by a term as President, and finally a term as Past-President. Guyer is one of few to hold two major professional appointments concurrently.

Guyer graduated summa cum laude from Harvard University, where he also received his Ph.D., with a dissertation directed by Stanley Cavell.



Kant and the Claims of Taste (1979)

Kant and the Claims of Knowledge (1987)

Kant and the Experience of Freedom (1993)

Kant on Freedom, Law, and Happiness (2000)

Kant's System of Nature and Freedom (2005)

Values of Beauty: Historical Essays in Aesthetics (2005)

Kant (2006)

A Reader's Guide to Kant's Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals (2007)

Knowledge, Reason, and Taste: Kant's Response to Hume (2008)

Edited volumes (selection):

The Cambridge Companion to Kant (1992)

The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy (2006)

The Cambridge Companion to the Critique of Pure Reason (2010)


Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, with Allen Wood (1998)

Kant, Critique of the Power of Judgment, with Eric Matthews (2000)

Kant, Notes and Fragments, with Curtis Bowman and Frederick Rauscher (2005)

See also


  1. ^ [1], Leiter Reports: Guyer from Penn to Brown
  2. ^ [2], Guyer's university page
  3. ^ [3], Official UPenn announcement of Guyer's appointment.